Going to Hell w/ Bradley Jersak
The Wonder and The Mystery of Being - A podcast by Jon Steingard

This episode is about HELL. Where did we get our ideas of hell? What does the Bible really have to say on the subject? Bradley Jersak, author of the book "Her Gates Will Never Be Shut" discusses this and more with me as we try to deconstruct the idea of eternal conscious torment. Learn more about Bradley Jersakhttp://www.bradjersak.comhttps://www.instagram.com/bradley.jersak/http://www.twitter.com/bradjersakhttp://www.facebook.com/bradjersakHer Gates Will Never Be Shuthttps://www.amazon.com/Her-Gates-Will-Never-Shut-ebook/dp/B00IGGZRJY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=her+gates+will+never+be+shut&qid=1616534787&sr=8-1The Pastor: A Crisishttps://premierecollectibles.com/pastor