Dec 14, 2024. Gospel: Matt 11:2-10. Feria of Advent.

Traditional Latin Mass Gospel Readings - A podcast by Ken Hagen

2 Now when John had heard in prison the works of Christ: sending two of his disciples he said to him:Joannes autem cum audisset in vinculis opera Christi, mittens duos de discipulis suis,  3 Art thou he that art to come, or look we for another?ait illi : Tu es, qui venturus es, an alium exspectamus?  4 And Jesus making answer said to them: Go and relate to John what you have heard and seen.Et respondens Jesus ait illis : Euntes renuntiate Joanni quae audistis, et vidistis.  5 The blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead rise again, the poor have the gospel preached to them.Caeci vident, claudi ambulant, leprosi mundantur, surdi audiunt, mortui resurgunt, pauperes evangelizantur :  6 And blessed is he that shall not be scandalized in beatus est, qui non fuerit scandalizatus in me.  7 And when they went their way, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John: What went you out into the desert to see? a reed shaken with the wind?Illis autem abeuntibus, coepit Jesus dicere ad turbas de Joanne : Quid existis in desertum videre? arundinem vento agitatem?  8 But what went you out to see? a man clothed in soft garments? Behold they that are clothed in soft garments, are in the houses of kings.Sed quid existis videre? hominem mollibus vestitum? Ecce qui mollibus vestiuntur, in domibus regum sunt.  9 But what went you out to see? a prophet? yea I tell you, and more than a prophet.Sed quid existis videre? prophetam? Etiam dico vobis, et plus quam prophetam.  10 For this is he of whom it is written: Behold I send my angel before thy face, who shall prepare thy way before thee.Hic est enim de quo scriptum est : Ecce ego mitto angelum meum ante faciem tuam, qui praeparabit viam tuam ante te

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