#197 - Welcome To Hotel Corona, Such a Lovely Place! (Noam Shuster)
Two Nice Jewish Boys - A podcast by Eytan and Naor

As of today, Israel hasn’t been hit very hard by the Coronavirus, relatively speaking. The government took extreme measures early on, and managed to limit the spread of the virus and death toll. One of the unique steps taken by the Israeli government was to rent out entire hotels throughout the country, and convert them into Quarantined Hotels. The idea was simple - if you have Corona, and can’t isolate, check into the hotel, receive food and medical treatment and once you recover, you can checkout. Welcome to The Hotel Corona! Such a lovely place. Noam Shuster is a stand up comedian, a peace activist and recently, patient number 3555. When she checked into Hotel Corona in Jerusalem, nothing had prepared her for the multicultural, unforgettable experience that would unfold in the following days. We’re happy to host one of the only people in Israel who CAN’T infect us with covid19 (hopefully), Noam Shuster.