Ep. 008 of Underserved, The geek shall inherit the earth

Underserved - A podcast by Andrew Gelina

Robert "Swifty" Swift (LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-swift-2094774/ ) A.K.A "Nixon" has been a fixture of the Boston geek community for decades. An engineer turned recruiter by day, in his free time Robert has been to most cons, gaming gatherings, LARPs, and D&D sessions in the 617. Robert serves up his top phone, Skype, and in-person interview tips and then shares his off-the-clock experiences, providing an exclusive look into the social underbelly of the Boston tech scene.    Arisia: Boston’s Oldest Sci-fi Convention https://arisia.org/ The Ig-Nobel Prizes, Presented by real scientists who run a hobby Magazine the AoIR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ig_Nobel_Prize https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annals_of_Improbable_Research The Convention Competition to Arisia.org is of course Boskone! https://www.boskone.org/ The Insanely Popular D&D Weekly Live Show “Critical Role” https://critrole.com/ The Matt Mercer effect https://www.geeknative.com/68009/what-is-the-matt-mercer-effect/ The New Popularity of D&D https://tinyurl.com/y2vl5kp9 Paizo’s game “Pathfinder” created the first Competitor to D&D ever, https://paizo.com/pathfinder Types of LARPs https://thelarplife.wordpress.com/2015/06/10/types-of-larps/ Local US “Best” LARP manufacturer https://www.b3is.com/ and his LARP Store near Worcester MA https://larpbox.com/ The SCA https://sca.org/ Gaming Stores in Boston that Swifty goes to:  http://www.pandemoniumbooks.com/   https://www.battlegroundgames.com/   And the Adventure Pub, Boardgame café in Arlington, MA https://theadventurepub.com/  

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