Ep. 021, Ed Tech REACTions
Underserved - A podcast by Andrew Gelina
Matt Hodges (fellow member of the Commodore Army) applied lots of grit and determination to graduate with a CS degree at a time when 93% were quitting the major. Like our previous guest John Newman, Matt got to view development from a lot of different angles before becoming part of the organization (QA, DBA, Ops, etc). We talk about how being thankful and humble can be a really important part of your career, and how being the Excel stat geek can endear you to your softball team. Stonehill College: https://www.stonehill.edu/ Staples (Contract Space): https://www.staplesadvantage.com/ Curriculum Associates: https://www.curriculumassociates.com/ React Redux: https://react-redux.js.org/ React Sagas: https://redux-saga.js.org/ CreateJS: https://createjs.com/ LinkedIn Learning: https://www.linkedin.com/learning/ VueJS: https://vuejs.org/ i18n: https://www.npmjs.com/package/i18n Thanks A Thousand: https://www.amazon.com/Thanks-Thousand-Gratitude-Journey-Books/dp/1501119923 SIM Boston: https://www.simboston.org/home