Ep. 030, What's next for US?

Underserved - A podcast by Andrew Gelina

Our guest Paul Krasinski mentored some kids while attending Brown University, and their experience changed his perspective. We talk about playing professional basketball in Europe, the science of tracking audience engagement, and the struggle for companies to engage consumers without being creepy. Paul also discusses his plans to move online relationships into the real world, developing a collaboration and connection space in Plymouth, MA.   Newton South High School - https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/nshs  Hope High School - https://www.providenceschools.org/hope  The Second Mountain - https://www.amazon.com/Second-Mountain-David-Brooks/dp/0812993268 Epicenter Experience Founder Video - https://www.thepeopleplatform.com/story  The People Platform Consumer Journey - https://www.epicenterexp.com/the-consumer-journey The People Platform - 2020 Top 20 Most Promising Customer Experience Management Solution - https://static1.squarespace.com/static/593e9b6b1b10e33a7a3ed578/t/5e878dfdc8cf637f75d23aef/1585942019815/Epicenter+Experience%28H%29.pdf

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