Ep. 043, Owning your Career

Underserved - A podcast by Andrew Gelina

This week's guest Nausheen Moulana grew up fascinated by the potential of the humble electron. Her parents were wary to send her to the US after hearing some scary stories, but Nausheen made it here in time for grad school. As a MATLAB power-user, Nausheen was thrilled to work at The Mathworks for decades. We talk about when it's time to move on, the importance of financial literacy for software professionals, and the delicate balance of "finding your voice" as a female in engineering.   How I got started in Tech Stealth technology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radar_cross-section#Reduction B-2 Stealth bomber  About Hyderabad Biryani + Charminar + Hyderabadi Pearls Experience coming to the US https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dotbusters Career in High tech CASE Career Advice First Break All The Rules StrengthsFinder  

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