EPS NEWS FLASH - Twitch Stream Poker Cheating Scandal - Mike Postle

Underserved - A podcast by Andrew Gelina

Special News Episode - There is a scandal in the Twitch Streaming/Poker world this week. Our guest to help us break down and analyze the news is Mike Breault. You might remember Mike from Episode 007 of Underserved.  We go into deep technical detail on the live-streaming poker cheating scandal at the Stones Gambling Hall involving a man named Mike Postle.  We talk about how the story broke, the Internet sleuthing that followed, and how programming and various technologies may be involved.    2+2 poker forum https://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/29/news-views-gossip/mike-postle-cheating-allegations-faq-first-post-1753388/ bb/100 vs VPIP graph https://i.gyazo.com/9640d7665da6f5fbc37ad6c935334fbb.png Hendon Mob website https://pokerdb.thehendonmob.com/player.php?a=r&n=47805 Phone leaves the rail and Postle becomes a superuser https://youtu.be/qAw9HiSpG9w?t=7249 What is a superuser http://pokerterms.com/superuser.html Poker streams on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU2mtbH_7p0a4EyavEKMHTA/videos Pokernews.com interview - Andrew Milner of PokerGFX https://cutt.ly/beiWeIP Session History  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MCfupw2gOZSDj_qvfL0ndIUsyE_Nx7YLNTKVoQUR_VE/edit#gid=2044248290 Telling the player his cards didn't register https://youtu.be/M6yLN32LpGQ?t=169 

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