EP32: The Name of the Game - How German Federal Elections Work
Understanding Train Station - A podcast by Josh and Feli

Sign up for the Lingoda Sprint here by October 15 ▸ https://bit.ly/Sprint-UTS and use the code CHAMP21 to save 20€/25USD on the deposit! (Terms and conditions apply. Make sure to read the rules of the Sprint.) #sprint202109 September 26th is going to be a big day for Germany! The German people are electing a new Bundestag (federal parliament) and after 16 years of being in office, Angela Merkel decided not to run anymore and Germany will be getting a new chancellor. But how do elections even work in Germany? What's up with all that talk about an Erststimme (first vote) and a Zweitstimme (second vote)? And how is the chancellor elected if people don't vote for them on the ballot? In today's episode, we tried to answer all of these questions and give you guys a comprehensible overview of the German election process and the different parties. For more detailed insights, we linked some articles below. Also, please feel free to add information and talk about the elections in the comments on YouTube! Find more English speaking resources here: https://www.dw.com/en/german-election-process/a-37805756 https://www.deutschland.de/en/2021-bundestag-elections https://www.dw.com/en/cdu-csu-spd-afd-fdp-left-greens/a-38085900 Mentioned chart of the political spectrum chart Germany vs. USA: https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/six-charts-to-help-americans-understand-the-upcoming-german-election/ You can listen to this podcast/watch it on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio! Buy our merch ▸https://felifromgermany.com/collections/understanding-train-station • Follow us on Instagram▸instagram.com/understandingtrainstation • Support us on Patreon▸patreon.com/understandingtrainstation • Buy us a coffee▸buymeacoffee.com/utspodcast • Email us▸[email protected] • Website▸understandingtrainstation.com Check out all the videos with Josh and Feli on the "Feli from Germany" YouTube channel▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcmNAGhcEEMm1zpbbFcz41YALTd2eAed