EP45: 100k Dollars Debt After College?! Money & Finances in Germany vs. USA
Understanding Train Station - A podcast by Josh and Feli
Josh was back in Cincinnati for two weeks, so we got to record a couple of episodes in person 🥳 And we finally got to talk about a topic that we've been wanting to cover for a while now: Money and finances in Germany and the US. While many Americans are probably shocked by the fact that a lot of places in Germany still don't accept card payments, many Germans are baffled by how many people in the US are in debt. From student loans and mortgages to car loans and credit card debt, for many Americans, borrowing money is a normal part of life. So let's talk about the different mindsets and approaches to finances and consumption as well as our personal experiences with credit scores (and the German Schufa)! Download the CHATTERBUG app and learn languages for free with their live streams and shorts! Click here if you're on your phone or here if you're on a desktop Mentioned videos and statistics: EP15: Do we speak the same language? Dialects & accents in the US and Germany ▸https://youtu.be/cdAMyjaBGPo EP2: Adulting 2.0 - Life Outside of the Classroom ▸https://youtu.be/cAR6nDM2wUo EP29: Where It All Began - An Interview with Josh's High School German Teacher ▸https://youtu.be/m0V3CT0vuTA Warum Amerikaner immer verschuldet sind by @lebenUSA ▸https://youtu.be/kZDuOvtz8Cw https://shiftprocessing.com/american-debt/ https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/257536/umfrage/anteil-der-deutschen-mit-kredit-nach-altersgruppen/#:~:text=%C3%9Cber%20alle%20Altersgruppen%20hinweg%20verf%C3%BCgten,10%2C1%20Prozent. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/20/heres-why-so-many-americans-cant-handle-a-400-unexpected-expense.html You can also watch this podcast on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio! Buy our merch ▸https://felifromgermany.com/collections/understanding-train-station • Follow us on Instagram▸instagram.com/understandingtrainstation • Support us on Patreon▸patreon.com/understandingtrainstation • Buy us a coffee▸buymeacoffee.com/utspodcast • Email us▸[email protected] Check out all the videos with Josh and Feli on the "Feli from Germany" YouTube channel▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcmNAGhcEEMm1zpbbFcz41YALTd2eAed