EP63: Christmas Live Stream
Understanding Train Station - A podcast by Josh and Feli

++Good audio quality starts at 00:07:02++ For the last episode of the year, we decided to make it extra special! 😊🎄 So we got cozy in front of the Christmas tree with some Glühwein and recorded the episode while we were on a live stream so that you guys could interact with us and ask questions! (The live stream took place on the Feli fom Germany YouTube channel due to technical issues.) Thank you so much for everyone tuning in and asking questions! We wish you all happy holidays and a "good slide into the new year" as the Germans say: "Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!" Check out the following episodes we mentioned: EP8: Christmas Traditions in the US vs. Germany (Are St. Nikolaus and Santa Claus the same?!) ▸https://youtu.be/3x8JcTMFfy0 EP29: Where It All Began - An Interview with Josh's High School German Teacher ▸https://youtu.be/m0V3CT0vuTA Dialect Series ▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsR1CX0-8-V-yXY0Q_r_9Pl1hKSyOO9JJ You can also watch this podcast on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio! Buy our merch ▸https://felifromgermany.com/collections/understanding-train-station • Follow us on Instagram▸instagram.com/understandingtrainstation • Support us on Patreon▸patreon.com/understandingtrainstation • Buy us a coffee▸buymeacoffee.com/utspodcast • Email us▸[email protected] Check out all the videos with Josh and Feli on the "Feli from Germany" YouTube channel▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcmNAGhcEEMm1zpbbFcz41YALTd2eAed