EP64: From U.S. Farm Country to the German Bicycle Mecca feat. The Black Forest Family
Understanding Train Station - A podcast by Josh and Feli

Go to https://try.lingoda.com/UTS_LanguageWins and use our code WINWITHUTS to get 20€ ($25) off your deposit when signing up for the Lingoda Sprint! #sprint202301 ▸After a bit of a Christmas hiatus, we are excited to start the new year with some highly requested guests! Jonathan and Ashton are originally from the Midwest but have found their home in Germany's Black Forest. On their YouTube channel The Black Forest Family they regularly analyze complex differences between Germany and the US, like why Germans seem to increasingly turn away from religion or which country leaves their residents with more money, but they also document their personal journey of raising a child there and even building a house! From cycling through the beautiful area around Freiburg and the French Alsace region to the struggle of finding American-style household appliances and wanting to learn German to be able to understand their son, Jonathan and Ashton had so many fascinating stories to share and we hope you guys enjoy them as much as we did! :) Make sure you check out their website ▸ https://www.blackforestfamily.com/ and YouTube channel ▸ https://www.youtube.com/@TheBlackForestFamily to hear more about what life is like for a young ex-pat family in Southwest Germany! You can also watch this podcast on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio! Buy our merch ▸https://felifromgermany.com/collections/understanding-train-station • Follow us on Instagram▸instagram.com/understandingtrainstation • Support us on Patreon▸patreon.com/understandingtrainstation • Buy us a coffee▸buymeacoffee.com/utspodcast • Email us▸[email protected] Check out all the videos with Josh and Feli on the "Feli from Germany" YouTube channel▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcmNAGhcEEMm1zpbbFcz41YALTd2eAed