Hozan Alan Senauke: The Bodhisattva’s Four Embracing Ways

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast - A podcast by Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot

In a world at war, how do we begin the difficult work of healing? What is the antidote to hate, conflict, and destruction? Sensei Hozan Alan Senauke discusses the importance of embracing one another as a manifestation of our love and connection. “In a moment of embrace, the limits of body, our skin, our thoughts are not so clear.” During a period of religious strife in 13th century Japan, Dogen wrote the Bodaisatta-Shishobo, the Bodhisattva’s Four Methods of Embracing Living Beings. These are giving, loving speech, beneficial action, and cooperation. By practicing embrace in these four ways, we can deepen our sense of interconnection and understanding of oneness. Through continuous practice of remembering our intention to serve, we can slowly transform our self-centered patterns of thinking and heal the wounds of our perceived separateness. As Sensei Alan reminds himself at the beginning of zazen, “May I be awake that others may awaken”.

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