Kaz Tanahashi & Joan Halifax: Rohatsu: Green Dharma (Part 5 of 6)

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast - A podcast by Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot

Sensei Kaz and Roshi Joan speak beautifully about the path of service and its deep and simple relationship to practice and personal suffering. Roshi says it is only in our honest reflection of our own deep suffering, our fear of changing, and the strength of our grasping that we find ourselves seeking the path to liberate our suffering. She continues by saying we can never end our suffering if we stay fixed to the belief our suffering is separate from the suffering of others and the world. “The only real thing that will resolve your deep sense of dissatisfaction is shifting your mindset to understanding your life, your path, is to benefit others.”

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