Rev. angel Kyodo Williams: Training the Mind to Transform (8 of 9)
Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast - A podcast by Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot
Rev. Angel Kyodo Williams, Roshi, invites participants in her Training the Mind to Transform program to discuss their experiences with Lojong training thus far. She prescribes certain slogans for particular difficulties, such as “Don’t turn gods into demons” for someone who is struggling with perfectionism, and explains that the need to “get it right” all the time is really just more ego and self-cherishing. The mind trainings are designed to point us away from away from an obsessive need to gain self-worth from external approval and towards the basic goodness to which we fundamentally belong, prior to and through the inevitable ups and downs of our lives. Also, Rev. Angel gives a clear, concise, and timely explanation of relative and absolute bodhicitta, the cultivation of which is the goal of mind training. To access the resources page for this program, please sign up by clicking here. For Program/Series description and to access the entire series, please click on the link below: Upaya Podcast Series:Training the Mind to Transform 2022