Singing the River’s Song Back to the River Part 2

Upaya Zen Center's Dharma Podcast - A podcast by Joan Halifax | Zen Buddhist Teacher Upaya Abbot - Luni

“The practice was literally saving my life.” In Part 2 of her way seeking mind talk, Sensei Amie Diller recounts heart-filled stories about her time as a resident at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in the 1980s, working with trauma during a time when it was so little understood, meeting shamans and traveling around India with brahmans, receiving ordination from Maureen Stewart Roshi and not being allowed to shave her head, listening to the voice in the sky that told her to become a midwife, becoming “The Guest House,” cultivating a Tibetan practice and directing a Tibetan Center in Sacramento, and answering the call to lead the residential program at Upaya.

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