#23 In Bulgaria with Mariya Atanasova: Advocating for Romani People
We Belong - A podcast by We Belong

For the #23 episode of We Belong, we met Mariya Atanasova, from Bulgaria! As an activist, she was recognised Young European of the Year 2020 by the Schwarzkopf Foundation for her efforts to increase the visibility of young Roma people, and she also received the Woman in Youth Activism Award the same year. As a young Roma in Bulgaria, Mariya experienced discrimination at an early age. She then became a member of the Roma Youth Volunteer Network where her mentorship work contributes to uplifting one of Europe’s most disadvantaged minorities. In conversation with Mariya, we discussed her journey as an activist, the importance of receiving such a title as the Young European of the Year, the impact these recognitions have for broader communities and the importance to occupy spaces in spheres of power and influence.