The Best Month To Be Born In Is...

We Don't Have Time For This - A podcast by Gemma Peanut & Kate Reeves

Fuck you Lockdown, seriously, fuck you. We at Whinge FM really want you to get in your cab and get outta here, cos now "Home Schooling" has to happen and there's a looming birthday. So really, what is there to do but cry, shop (online) and pour yourself a hefty #skimflatwine and go for your "exercise". We somehow get really macro reminiscing on our 90s music and please, someone stop the singing. On the topic of birthdays, when is the actual best time to be born and does anyone ever really care about your birthday? Really? One we won't be phoning in is our 40ths, which are still aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages away but we have plans. Then, a bit of a gear-shift and Gem has made a major move in her professional life and its given us a case of the feels. It's an ep full of feelings, you guys. AND FEELINGS ARE FOR FEELING (Revz wrote that, cos, not sure if you know this, but Revz loves therapy). -- The name of the doco Gem couldn't remember the name of: This Is Pop on Netflix #notsponsored Gem | Bop It! Kate | Casamigo Blanco Tequila - For more, join our Gram Fam @wedonthavetimeforthis or our brand new Facebook Group! We would love to hear from you! Send us a voice memo or a video of where you're listening from to [email protected] And as always, leave us a review to help us include more babes in the #extendedmothersgroup and keep the poddy LOLing along.

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