258: Should You Stop the Lasers and Botox? Why Preserving and Encouraging Facial Fat Growth Could Be the Key to Extending a Youthful Look, with Adipeau Founder Ivan Galanin (HEALTHY SKIN SERIES)
We Gotta Talk: News, Issues, and Beauty for Women - A podcast by Sonni Abatta

***Scroll down discount code for Adipeau!*** In this bonus episode of the Healthy Skin Series, I'm talking with the founder of Adipeau, Ivan Galanin, all about why it's all about "achieving facial fitness." Trained as a scientist at a major biotech company, Ivan started two biotech companies--one to treat genetic disease, and one to treat cancer--Ivan then transitioned to aesthetics and face care when he realized how integral healthy facial fat is to aging. He's now founded Aeducator, a community to connect facial aesthetic practitioners with new ways of treating their clients. Adipeau is a brand that encourages the growth of new, healthy fat cells in the dermis, and in this episode we talk about the technology behind the brand as well as why Ivan thinks we have it all wrong when it comes to lasers, over-exfoliating and neuromodulators. We talk: + Why fat is a good thing for your face + There is no “super ingredient” for the skin + Should you ditch retinol? + Why you might want to reconsider lasers + The cause of “shiny” Botox skin + Can you really build collagen in the skin? + Repetitive wounding on the skin and its effects + What can you do to keep your fat “fit?” + Why he thinks scientific advancements mean we’ll all be living longer soon For 15% off your order at Adipeau, use code SONNI15 at checkout!