Is Cash Trash? The Dangers Of Holding Your Savings In Fiat Currency | Lyn Alden (PT1)

Wealthion - Be Financially Resilient - A podcast by Wealthion


[Original recording date: 5.31.21] With global central banks printing trillions of new currency these days, the voices claiming that “Cash Is trash” appear to have a valid point. Banks give us no return on cash savings, and inflation is swiftly eating away at its purchasing power. So what is the future outlook for the world’s major fiat currencies? And are there better stores of value we should consider using instead of paper cash? We invited economic analyst Lyn Alden to answer those very questions at the recent Wealthion conference held in early June. If you missed the conference, you’re in luck. We’re making Lyn’s excellent interview available to you right now in this video. See the YouTube Video for the charts and graphics: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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