Between Two Lips

A podcast by Kim Vopni - Miercuri

68 Episoade

  1. Advanced Ultrasound For The Pelvic Floor with Susan Guidi

    Publicat: 26.07.2023
  2. Pelvic Health Longevity

    Publicat: 19.07.2023
  3. Diastasis Recti - Where We Started and Where We Are Now with Beth Learn

    Publicat: 12.07.2023
  4. Navigating Rectal Prolapse After Childbirth with Lena Watt

    Publicat: 05.07.2023
  5. Cultivating Sexual Desire with Dr Lori Brotto

    Publicat: 28.06.2023
  6. Moving Past A Prolapse Diagnosis - A Personal Trainer's Story

    Publicat: 21.06.2023
  7. Overcome Constipation with Roslyn Kent

    Publicat: 14.06.2023
  8. Pelvic Pain With Stephanie Prendergast

    Publicat: 07.06.2023
  9. Stem Cells and 3D Printing - Advances in Pelvic Health with Professor Caroline Gargett

    Publicat: 31.05.2023
  10. Building A Resilient Pelvic Floor with Terri Elder

    Publicat: 24.05.2023
  11. Cancer Saved My Life - Emilee Garfield

    Publicat: 17.05.2023
  12. Pelvic Organ Prolapse With Sherrie Palm of APOPS

    Publicat: 10.05.2023
  13. Pelvic Floor Therapy for Gynecologic Cancers

    Publicat: 03.05.2023
  14. Menopause and Vaginas with Dr Anna Cabecca

    Publicat: 26.04.2023
  15. Levator Avulsion Surgery With Dr Shobeiri

    Publicat: 19.04.2023
  16. Sexual Medicine with Dr. Corey Babb

    Publicat: 12.04.2023
  17. The Ins and Outs of My Vagina - A Penetrating Memoir by Karin Freeland

    Publicat: 05.04.2023
  18. Foot Health Helps Pelvic Health

    Publicat: 29.03.2023
  19. All About Pessaries - Orthotics For Your Pelvic Floor

    Publicat: 22.03.2023
  20. Better Sleep, Better Pelvic Health?

    Publicat: 15.03.2023

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The Between Two Lips Podcast is hosted by Kim Vopni The Vagina Coach and is a weekly show dedicated to all things pelvic health for women.  Kim and her guests discuss topics such as incontinence, prolapse, pelvic pain, pregnancy, birth, perimenopause, menopause, sex and pelvic surgery. Nothing is TMI here!

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