Chasing Bandos UrbEx Podcast

A podcast by Greg Abandoned - Sâmbătă



160 Episoade

  1. Bonus: Urbex Boxing Match - Two explores will fight in abandoned boxing ring (with Jimmy and Keeper)

    Publicat: 15.10.2022
  2. Urbex 78 - Climbing Notre-Dame cathedral and ringing the bell, getting on top of The Great Pyramid of Giza and exploring NYC subway tunnels with Moses Gates

    Publicat: 30.09.2022
  3. Urbex 77 - There is another UrbEx podcast out there! with podcaster and member of Matriarchs and Chasing Satellites bands K Enagonio

    Publicat: 17.09.2022
  4. Bonus: Electric Rust - Kickstarting Abandoned Power Plant Documentary with John Kramer and Ben Kees

    Publicat: 01.09.2022
  5. Urbex 76 - Getting arrested and being on the trial because of UrbEx, cracking London abandoned underground stations, Burlington and climbing The Shard with Bradley Garrett

    Publicat: 27.08.2022
  6. Urbex 75 - Exploring Tiger King’s abandoned home and almost getting murdered by scrappers while exploring with Adrian Ledezma (abandoned_dallas)

    Publicat: 12.08.2022
  7. Urbex 74 - Exploring Paris Catacombs, abandoned metro stations, tunnels and photographing goats on the tree in Morocco with Max Boncina (max.bon)

    Publicat: 30.07.2022
  8. Urbex 73 - History of New Orleans, Mardi Gras, hurricane Katrina, floating coffins, Six Flags theme park and exploring in Luisiana with Krist (abandonedneworleans) and Nathan (homesofneworleans)

    Publicat: 15.07.2022
  9. Urbex 72 - The Infamous Bill Finan Quiz: Battle of the Explorers! with Bill Finan (and 7 others!) Who will be the the ultimate Bill Finan expert?

    Publicat: 01.07.2022
  10. Urbex 71 - Exploring Art and Decay with ”the squid guy” Brian Henry (brianhenryyy)

    Publicat: 17.06.2022
  11. Urbex 70 - Unveiling the Legends: John Law and the Extraordinary Tales of San Francisco’s Suicide Club, frozen dead body, climbing Golden Gate Bridge, kidnaping and blindfolded urban exploring events

    Publicat: 03.06.2022
  12. NORTH KOREA 10 Undercover in North Korea for 10 years, Alejandro Cao de Benós is a psychopath, tragic fate of Otto Warmbier and exposing North Korean criminal activities with Ulrich THE MOLE Larsen

    Publicat: 21.05.2022
  13. Chernobyl UPDATE: War with Russia, escaping Ukraine, stealing toilets and what happened at Chernobyl plant during the Russian invasion with Natasha Tereshchenko (lady.adventure_)

    Publicat: 13.05.2022
  14. NORTH KOREA 9 All defectors are brainwashed and everyone is lying about North Korea except KFA members with Dermot Hudson

    Publicat: 06.05.2022
  15. NORTH KOREA 8 Informing and empowering North Koreans is the way to overthrow Kim Jong-un regime with Jieun Baek

    Publicat: 06.05.2022
  16. NORTH KOREA 7 Escaping North Korea with Seohyun Lee

    Publicat: 06.05.2022
  17. Urbex 69 - Exploring in Finland while almost getting cut in half in abandoned sawmill with Niko (kupanik)

    Publicat: 29.04.2022
  18. Urbex 68 - Do you want to get yourself killed? Insane drive-by shooting story with Nick The Urban Ninja (karmacula)

    Publicat: 15.04.2022
  19. Urbex 67 - Losing a friend because of UrbEx, underground tunnels, tanks and being in impossible situation with American explorer Tom (moldy_lungs)

    Publicat: 08.04.2022
  20. Urbex 66 - Exploring abandoned places in Slovakia and getting almost stabbed to death with Matej (lifeindecay_urbex)

    Publicat: 01.04.2022

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Everyone loves a good story. Chasing Bandos is an urbex podcast where urban explorers share their passion and love for exploring abandoned sites. We also run more topical mini-series & specials: Chernobyl, Buran, Famagusta, North Korea.

Visit the podcast's native language site