Coding Chats

A podcast by John Crickett


6 Episoade

  1. From sandwich course to Engineering Manager with Matt Boyle

    Publicat: 16.05.2024
  2. From Engineer to CTO with Adelina Chalmers

    Publicat: 09.05.2024
  3. From Lawyer to Software Engineer with Zubin Pratap

    Publicat: 02.05.2024
  4. From English teacher to Software Engineer with Callie Buruchara

    Publicat: 25.04.2024
  5. Coding Chats - Trailer

    Publicat: 09.04.2024
  6. Coding Chats - Intro!

    Publicat: 03.04.2024

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John Crickett talks to Software Engineers

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