People Changing Enterprises

A podcast by Contentstack - Duminică


54 Episoade

  1. Make it a FEAST: How to get people excited about change, with PostNL's Jurre van Ruth

    Publicat: 11.06.2023
  2. What is a Composable Digital Experience Platform? With PostNL's Jurre van Ruth

    Publicat: 04.06.2023
  3. Building the business case for headless technology, with’s Juliette Olah

    Publicat: 21.05.2023
  4. Editorial strategy deep dive, with’s Juliette Olah

    Publicat: 07.05.2023
  5. Tips from the C-Suite: How marketing and sales can get along

    Publicat: 26.04.2023
  6. Taking career leaps of faith, with Brad’s Deals Director of Engineering

    Publicat: 16.04.2023
  7. Bridging monolith and composable with automation, with Director of Engineering Keith Mazanec

    Publicat: 09.04.2023
  8. (Re)building trust through tech and business change, with Brad’s Deals’ Keith Mazanec

    Publicat: 02.04.2023
  9. Make your company a great place to work, with Emma Sleep’s Andreas Westendörpf

    Publicat: 19.03.2023
  10. The last replatform you’ll ever do, with Emma Sleep’s Andreas Westendörpf

    Publicat: 12.03.2023
  11. Your misconceptions about the IT department, with Emma Sleep’s Andreas Westendörpf

    Publicat: 05.03.2023
  12. You asked... How to speak up when something needs to change?

    Publicat: 02.03.2023
  13. Disrupting industries and building an "experience library" with ASICS' Mindy Montgomery

    Publicat: 19.02.2023
  14. Moving from monolith to composable with ASICS' Mindy Montgomery

    Publicat: 12.02.2023
  15. Battling resistance to change, with ASICS' Mindy Montgomery

    Publicat: 05.02.2023
  16. Stakeholder management: Getting what you want at work, with Jasmin Guthmann

    Publicat: 01.02.2023
  17. Carrots, not sticks: building tech for autonomous teams, with Levi’s Zach Crittendon

    Publicat: 22.01.2023
  18. Moving to a composable architecture, with Levi's Zach Crittendon

    Publicat: 15.01.2023
  19. An interview with Jasmin Guthmann, by Contentstack CEO Neha Sampat

    Publicat: 04.01.2023
  20. Bob Howland: What I learned leading Dawn Foods through massive transformation

    Publicat: 28.12.2022

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This is a show for status quo busters inside enterprises who are ready to make change happen. We: ask people who have transformed big businesses how they’ve done it through three lenses: technology, mindset, and strategy. You: get the roadmap to creating change inside your own enterprise.

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