039: Exploring Mobility with Vernon Griffith
The PJF Podcast: Elite Sports Performance - A podcast by PJF Performance

Vernon Griffith Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vernongriffith4/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vernongriffith4?lang=en TIMECODES Vernon Griffith Intro 0:31 Owning a Gym 2:11 Becoming the Mobility Guy 9:48 Static stretching vs. Loaded Movement 13:38 Landmine Workouts 17:25 Structured Cool Downs 21:08 Coaching Cue’s 24:38 Landing in Different Positions 32:23 Vernon Abducted by ALIENS 47:48 TRAINING PROGRAMS Speed Code: https://www.pjfperformance.net/the-speed-code/ Fat Don't Fly: http://www.pjfperformance.net/fat-dont-fly/ The Vert Code & The Vert Code Elite: http://www.pjfperformance.net/the-vert-code-elite-2/ Edge U: https://theedgeu.com PROTEIN Upper Echelon Nutrition: https://uenutrition.com (Use discount code PJFPERFORMANCE to get 20% off)