Murder, Mystery & Makeup

A podcast by Audioboom Studios

127 Episoade

  1. Murder On The Web: Catfish Gone Wrong! | Mystery & Makeup

    Publicat: 16.04.2024
  2. His Waterbed Secrets - Life Sentence At 14?! Joshua Phillips

    Publicat: 09.04.2024
  3. The Woodworking Wacko - Psychopath Cameron Hooker

    Publicat: 02.04.2024
  4. TRAIN Obsessed Killer?! Just a fetish or more?

    Publicat: 26.03.2024
  5. Your Deepest, Darkest, JUICIEST Questions Answered

    Publicat: 19.03.2024
  6. The Killing Game - Did this monster murder 30 more? Rodney Alcala

    Publicat: 12.03.2024
  7. The REAL Boogeyman?! A Horrible Man or Monster - Albert Fish

    Publicat: 05.03.2024
  8. Happy Wife Happy Life? | Secrets in the Suburbs

    Publicat: 27.02.2024
  9. The Forgotten Psychopath Killer - Patrick Mackay

    Publicat: 20.02.2024
  10. Was it Sacrifice or Serial Killer?? Leonarda Cianciulli

    Publicat: 13.02.2024
  11. Lezz Vampire Killer or PSYCHOPATH?! Who was Tracey Wigginton ?

    Publicat: 06.02.2024
  12. Sadistic Beast or Sex Beast? Who was Melvin Rees??!

    Publicat: 30.01.2024
  13. Dr. Butcher Brown - Doin' the lord's work or a complete PSYCHO?!

    Publicat: 16.01.2024
  14. Chicken To Die For?? What Was In That Secret Sauce?

    Publicat: 09.01.2024
  15. Drinking Deadly Drano - Wrong Place Wrong Time - Hi-Fi Murders

    Publicat: 19.12.2023
  16. Terrible Teen Twins or Victims? - Jas and Tas Whiteland

    Publicat: 12.12.2023
  17. Murderer, Cannibal, or Saint?? - Karl Denke

    Publicat: 05.12.2023
  18. Murder or Self Defense? Motel Murder - Robert Moorman

    Publicat: 28.11.2023
  19. The Suspish Sitter- Helen Patricia Moore

    Publicat: 14.11.2023
  20. Would You Kill For Love? David & Catherine Birnie

    Publicat: 07.11.2023

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Bailey Sarian, a professional makeup artist and true crime aficionado, is now bringing episodes of her YouTube series “Murder, Mystery & Makeup” to podcast! Covering anything from cannibals to cover-ups. Join us on this journey. It’ll be fun, we promise. Idk. lol.

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